
Sign ‘em up, sign ‘em in

Easily sign up and log in website visitors, then control access to your product or content based on their subscription level.

Sign up

Add authentication to your site in minutes

Every subscription business needs to build a way for users to sign-up, login, and manage their subscription and billing information. So why reinvent the wheel?

Outseta’s sign-up and login embeds are small code snippets that can be dropped into your website or product in minutes. Allow users to authenticate with a verified email address and password—or their Google account.

Control access to content

  • Setup protected content that’s only accessible to logged in users based on their subscription.
  • Easily protect pages, entire folders, or even specific elements on a page.
  • Create “account specific pages” to send users or teams to their own unique dashboards upon login.
  • Allow users to upgrade to gain access to additional content.

Log users into multiple products with OpenID Connect SSO

Outseta can also become your single-sign on (SSO) provider, logging users into multiple platforms concurrently with one seamless login experience. Authenticate users into any product that accepts OpenID Connect—an authentication protocol that works on top of the OAuth 2.0 framework.

Want to login users into your website, SaaS product, LMS, or online community concurrently? We can help you with that. Here are just a few of technologies that we see Outseta SSO regularly used with.

We’re building our company on Outseta. Will you join us?