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Meet Outseta's New Sign Up, Login, and Profile Embeds

Our new embeds represent a complete rebuild of Outseta's most important functionality

May 7, 2021
2 min read

While Outseta is an all-in-one product with a broad feature set, our sign-up, login, and profile embeds represent the core of our product. These embeds are the primary integration points between Outseta and your website or product—they are what makes your subscription or membership business come alive!

We're excited to announce the launch of our completely redesigned and rebuilt embeds! We've taken everything that we've learned from launching thousands of subscription based products over the last four years and implemented those learnings into our 2.0 embeds.

Here's a quick overview of the benefits:

  • Designed to drive more conversions. We've taken a sign up process that was 2-4 steps, and in most instances reduced it to 1-2 steps.
  • No more iframes. While our 1.0 embeds were rendered in an iframe, our 2.0 widgets live directly on your web pages. This makes for snappier transitions, better UI responsiveness, and also means you can directly apply CSS rules on your website to style the embeds.
  • Better performance. The 2.0 embeds are 1/4th of the file size of the previous embeds and are delivered via CDN, which means they will load and run much faster.
  • Smoother upgrade paths. We made is much easier to open the profile widget preconfigured to the "Change Plan" tab, so users can upgrade with fewer clicks. You can also now customize the fields that display in the Profile embed.
  • Translations. We added support for translating Plan and Add-on product names.
  • New Javascript API—More technical users can now easily GET and UPDATE user information stored in the profile widget.

What this means for current Outseta customers

If you're new to Outseta, you'll now find the new embeds available on the AUTH > EMBEDS page—it's best that you start out using the new embed codes.

If you're an existing Outseta customer that has already implemented our 1.0 embeds, you can continue to use those embeds for as long as you like—no changes are required. While that's the case, we'd strongly encourage you to consider implementing the new embeds. All of the new functionality and features we'll be releasing going forward will only included in the 2.0 widgets so if you want access to all the latest functionality, please consider upgrading.

Some import notes on the migration process:

  • If you are currently using Outseta's Quick Start embed code and opening the widgets as pop-ups, all you need to do is swap out your existing Quick Start code  with the new one provided on the AUTH > EMBEDS page.
  • If you've added the embeds directly to your website pages, you'll need to go to AUTH > EMBEDS and generate new embed codes using the "On a page" configuration option. Swap our your old on page embeds with the new ones.
  • If you''re currently using a more custom javascript implementation of the 1.0 widgets, there may be additional changes required. Please email our engineering team at support(at) if you need some help with the migration.

Important resources and documentation

As part of the transition to the V2 embeds, we've put together a series of resources and documentation to help answer as many of your questions as possible. You'll find them below along with some notes on each.

  1. How to integrate Outseta's sign up, login, and profile embeds. This is our new documentation and video tutorials on installing the V2 embeds. This will likely be most helpful for the vast majority of people. Nothing too technical here!
  2. How to sign up and login users with Google. If you're currently using our Google Authentication feature, you'll need to login to Google Developer console and add your website URL as an "Authorized Javascript Origin." This change is required because the embeds now live directly on your site rather than being rendered in an iframe. Steps to make this change are outlined in this document.
  3. Developer Docs - Javascript Configuration Guide. If you're a Javascript developer that wants to better understand how the embeds work and can be fully configured, we've got you covered.
  4. Developer Docs - Outseta Embed API. This post covers topics related to working our embeds and our API.
  5. Developer Docs - How to translate the Outseta embeds. Just as the title says—however, this same process can also be used to change the language used within the embeds even if you aren't translating it to another language.

The new embeds represent a better product—they are a big step forward for our customers—and for us as a company. We have a better foundation to build on for the future and we're excited for what's to come.

Whatever help you need, please reach out! Our engineering team is on standby at support(at) Cheers!

-The Outseta Team

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