Company updates

Outseta Company Update - May 2020

May 19, 2020
2 min read

It’s been several months since our last company update—we’ve got a lot to catch you up on! Let’s get to it.

We became a Webflow integration partner

In late April we became a Webflow integration partner, and our listing on their website almost immediately became our best performing marketing channel (overtaking both SEO and our partnership with Stripe).

Webflow is a “no-code” website builder that has pretty amazing momentum right now. While they have a number of other integration partners that offer recurring billing and login tools, Outseta is quite differentiated from these offerings because of the additional features (CRM, email, help desk) that we give our customers access to.

Pre-integrated tools are particularly appealing to the no-code community and the response from Webflow users has been even stronger than we expected—we’ve been overwhelmed with interest from Webflow users since this integration went live. We’re currently focused on building additional features and functionality specifically to serve Webflow users that much better. More information on Webflow and Outseta can be found here:

Outseta can now be 100% “no-code”

While the vast majority of Outseta’s tools have always been accessible to no-code users, really the only exception was our authentication tools. Initially, this was because we designed Outseta with SaaS founders (developers) in mind. They’d need to write a small amount of code to pass a token that recognizes which subscription tier the user is on when they authenticate in order to show the user the correct version of a SaaS product.

While this functionality will continue to serve our SaaS customers well, it made it difficult for less technically savvy users to use our authentication tools. So Dave set off to do something about it.

The resulting “no-code embed script” is a small javascript snippet that can be added to your website in seconds. It enables the following functionality—all without needing to write any code.

  • The ability to register (sign-up) new users using our registration widget
  • The ability authenticate (login and logout) users using our authentication widget
  • The ability to allow users to manage their own subscriptions using our profile widget
  • The ability to hide page elements from users
  • The ability to have hidden / protected page content that’s only accessible to authenticated users based on their subscription or membership level

These changes have made Outseta completely accessible to non-technical users, many of which have relatively simple membership sites with gated content that we didn’t support easily enough previously. We’re coming for you, no-coders!

We refreshed our brand and website

You’ve probably noticed by now, but this website and our product have a fresh coat of paint! We’ve launched a completely redesigned website and have updated our color scheme, typography and logo.

Our original logo

Our new logo

The impetus for this project was mostly just time and refreshing the brand so that it’s more reflective of the product Outseta has become. Our initial logo and branding was very much a minimum-viable-brand, and 3+ years later our product and company have matured dramatically. Beyond that, the blues and blacks of our old color scheme are very much overdone—particularly in the CRM space. These new colors and brand elements should help Outseta stand out from the crowd and are just a significant leveling up of the presentation of our brand.

We’d love any and all feedback that you have on our new brand and website! What could be more clear?

New Feature! Discounts and coupon codes

Last but not least, we’ve released what’s been the most requested feature in our backlog for quite some time—the ability to offer discounts or coupon codes to your customers.

Our billing system now supports:

  • % based discounts
  • Fixed amount discounts

You can also set redemptions limits based on a date range or the total number of times that a coupon code can be redeemed.


As always we’d love your feedback and we’ll circle back with you when we have another company update worthy of your time!

-Dimitris, Geoff, James, & Dave

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